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[KoBible] 19. 사랑이 배신할 때 (Love Story of Samson) Through the love story of Samson, who couldn't help revealing his secret and destroyed himself with blind love toward Delilah, we can read the love of God for us. Samson's achievement, his failure (in appearance), and his death depicts the life of Jesus Christ. * Correction: I believe I was wrong to say '기생 들릴라 (Delilah, a prostitute)' @5:00, for the Bible doesn't say Delilah was a prostitute. S.. 2016. 8. 15.
[KoBible] 18. 라합의 붉은 줄 (Scarlet Cord of Rahab) Who was Rahab? How could Rahab and her family survive during the Battle of Jericho? What does the scarlet cord of Rahab represent? Download the script : 2016. 8. 15.
[KoBible]17. 장대에 달린 놋뱀 (Brass Serpent on the Pole) Moses set the brass serpent upon a pole and let the Israel people look at it. Whoever bitten by vicious snakes could survive if only they looked up the serpent on the pole, which represented the Messiah on the cross, suffering for our sins. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have .. 2016. 6. 22.
[KoBible]16. 대속죄일과 아사셀의 염소 (Day of Atonement & Goat of Azazel) 'The Scapegoat' by William Holman Hunt, 1854. (www.wikiart.org) Today's story tells us the significant meaning of scapegoat for the sin offering. Why was it so important to shed the blood of sacrificial lambs and goats? Who did really sacrifice his life for our sins? We used the picture, 'The Scapegoat' by William Holman Hunt, 1854.We used music by Kevin MacLeod출처: http://incompetech.com/music/r.. 2016. 6. 19.
[KoBible]15. 이스라엘과 언약을 맺으신 하나님 (Covenant Between God & Israel) After the Exodus, God made a covenant with Israel ('Old Testament'). When proposed, the whole people of Israel were pleased, agreed and promised to listen to God's voice and obey. However, the first covenant was broken in a moment, when Israel people made a golden calf as an idol. We can learn why God had to give another covenant (New Testament) through Jesus Christ. Today's story shows us how G.. 2016. 6. 8.
[KoBible]14. 만나와 반석의 물 (Manna & Water from the Rock) God provided Israel with food and water for 40 years in the wilderness. Manna and the water from the rock also represent the coming Messiah, Jesus. The bread and wine of the Holy Communion are directly related with Jesus on the cross.Let's see how God told us this truth through the history of the Israel. Download the script : 관련 동영상 큐레이션 : WHEN YOU BELIEVE HD (PRINCE OF EGYPT OST) Crossing the R.. 2016. 6. 8.
[KoBible]13. 유월절 어린양 (Passover Lamb) Through the story of Passover (Exodus chapter 12)we can learn how Hebrew people was delivered from the powerful oppression of Pharaoh. The only way to survive from the 10th plague (to kill every firstborn son) was to apply the blood of lambs on the door posts and stay inside that night. Jesus came as the true Passover Lamb to sacrifice himself on the cross and free us from the power of death and.. 2016. 6. 8.
[KoBible]12. 선으로 악을 이긴 요셉(Joseph Overcame Evil with Good) 12. 선으로 악을 이긴 요셉 (Joseph Overcame Evil with Good) We can learn how Joseph overcame evil with good. Try to find out similarities between Joseph and Jesus. Download the script : 이미지 출처 : http://m.blog.daum.net/julygirl/705 2016. 5. 26.
[KoBible]11. 야곱과 씨름하신 하나님 (God Wrestled With Jacob) [KoBible]11.야곱과 씨름하신 하나님 (God Wrestled With Jacob) We will learn about Jacob and Esau, how Jacob earn the birthright, how God wrestled with Jacob when he fell in despair and how God changed his name and identity through lifelong wrestling with Jacob. Download the script : 이미지 출처 : hkjc47.egloos.com 2016. 5. 26.
[KoBible]10. 여호와 이레 (Jehovah Jireh, Abraham and Isaac) 10. 여호와 이레 (Jehovah Jireh, 아브라함과 이삭 이야기) In Genesis 22, through the story of Abraham and Isaac, we can learn what God prepared and provided in Jehovah Jireh, the designated mount of Moriah. Abraham answered to his son : "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering"Jehovah Jireh means : "In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen" 일러스트 : John Song Download the script : 2016. 5. 15.