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[KoBible]15. 이스라엘과 언약을 맺으신 하나님 (Covenant Between God & Israel)

by songofkorea 2016. 6. 8.

After the Exodus, God made a covenant with Israel ('Old Testament'). 

When proposed, the whole people of Israel were pleased, agreed and promised to listen to God's voice and obey. 

However, the first covenant was broken in a moment, when Israel people made a golden calf as an idol. 

We can learn why God had to give another covenant (New Testament) through Jesus Christ. 

Today's story shows us how God loved Israel in spite of their sinful nature, and 

decided to be with them through the Tabernacle. 

Download the script : 

15. 이스라엘과 언약을 맺으신 하나님 (Covenant Between God & Israel).pdf

그림 출처 : http://www.newsnbible.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2531