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[KoBible]09. 믿음의 조상 아브라함 (Abraham, the Ancestor of Faith) God called Abraham to become the ancestor of faith.His son Isaac was given by God according to his promise, and by God's miracle. We can learn what is faith, and how God was pleased by faith. Download the script : 이미지 출처 : ctmbible.net "And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look ow toward heaven, and thell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.. 2016. 5. 15.
[KoBible]08. 바벨탑 (The Tower of Babel) 피터 브뤼겔(Pieter Brueghel de Oude)의 , 1563 (그림 출처: 위키 백과) We can learn the origin of various languages and nations. What can be the modernized forms of Babel? How did God deal with the Babel project? Can you think of a good way to solve out the problem of fundamental distrust? Download the script : 2016. 4. 22.
[KoBible]07. 홍수심판과 노아의 방주 (The Flood & Noah's Ark) We can learn the cause, progress, and result of the Noah's Flood. After the prophecy about the Son of the Woman, God set another covenant with Noah and his family, and with all the living creatures, which was ensured with the rainbow in the cloud. Why did God make covenant not to destroy the earth again with flood? What does the history of Noah's flood signify the fate of the world in the future.. 2016. 4. 22.
[KoBible]06. 가인과 아벨이 말해주는 것 (Cain & Abel) 일러스트 : John Song Cain and Abel's offerings tell us what kind of attitude is acceptable to God. Jesus also taught the proper attitudes before God by telling the parable of prayers of a tax collector and a Pharasee. 중급 (intermediate level) 고급 (advanced level) 2016. 4. 5.
[KoBible]05. 여자의 자손 (The Seed of the Woman) In Genesis 3:15, the primitive gospel is revealed for the 1st time, that the seed of the woman, Jesus Christ born of the virgin Mary, would crush the head of the serpent. Intermediate level : Download the script : Advanced level : Download the script : 05. 여자의 자손 (The Seed of the Woman) - 고급 (Advanced).pdf 2016. 4. 5.
[KoBible]04. 선악과의 진실 (Fruit from Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil) 일러스트 : John Song Through the story of Genesis chapter 3, we can think about the free will God granted for us. What were the two special tree in the middle of the garden of the Eden?Why did God put and prohibit the tree of knowledge of good and evil?How did the serpent seduce Eve distorting the word of God? Curation : Why is he guilty? Adolf Eichmann (by EBS) Download the script : 2016. 4. 5.
[KoBible]03. 인간이란 어떤 존재인가? (What Is Human Being?) What is the uniqueness of human being? Why is it a immoral thing to kill someone? We'll think about the characteristics of human being, based on the Bible. Download the script : Curation : Documentary 'Human' 그림 출처 : http://www.disclose.tv/news/human_documentary_has_just_been_released_and_we_couldnt_be_more_excited_free_to_watch_here/122338 2016. 4. 4.
[KoBible]02. 시공의 시작 (The Beginning of Time & Space) Let's talk about the origin of this world and all the lives. Basically, there are two views: with or without the creator God. What are the theories to explain this world without God? and what is the voice of the Bible? Curation : The Privileged Planet Download the script : 그림 출처 : www.cronulla.anglican.asn.au 2016. 4. 4.
[KoBible]01. 새해 복 많이 받으세요 (Happy New Year!) Happy New Year, everybody~* God bless you. Here's the 1st lecture of the whole story of the year. You'll learn what's the meaning of the Korean New Year's greeting, which is '새해 복 많이 받으세요'. We hope that every KoBible family have the happiest and blissful year! Download the script here : 2016. 4. 4.
[KoBible]00. 코바이블을 소개합니다 (Welcome to KoBible, Korean Bible) Hello, everyone~* Welcome to KoBible. KoBible is 52 weeks Korean Bible Study for intermediate/advanced Korean learners all over the world. [KoBible] episode 00 is the introduction of this series and covers: - Topic of KoBible : the most important stories related with the Gospel from the Bible - Target learners : Intermediate/advanced Korean learners - Main text : Korean Bible (새번역/바른 성경) - Effec.. 2016. 4. 4.