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[KoBible]09. 믿음의 조상 아브라함 (Abraham, the Ancestor of Faith)

by songofkorea 2016. 5. 15.

God called Abraham to become the ancestor of faith.

His son Isaac was given by God according to his promise, and by God's miracle. 

We can learn what is faith, and how God was pleased by faith. 

Download the script : 

09. 믿음의 조상 아브라함.pdf

이미지 출처 : ctmbible.net

"And he brought him forth abroad, and said, 

Look ow toward heaven, and thell the stars, 

if thou be able to number them: 

and he said unto him, 

So shall thy seed be. 

And he believed in the LORD; 

and he counted it to him for righteousness."

"그를 이끌고 밖으로 나가 가라사대 하늘을 우러러 뭇별을 셀 수 있나 보라 

또 그에게 이르시되 네 자손이 이와 같으리라 

아브라함이 여호와를 믿으니 여호와께서 이를 그의 의로 여기시고" 

(창세기 15:5,6)"