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[도서] 구약성경에 나타난 101가지 예수님의 형상

by songofkorea 2010. 8. 31.

이 주제를 연구하고 싶어 오래도록 참고 자료를 찾았었는데, 드뎌 오늘 좋은 책을 한 권 구했습니다. 


"구약 성경에 나타난 101 가지 예수님의 형상"
원제 : 101 Portraits of Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures

출판사 : 프라미스 (쿰란출판사)
저자 : 밥 비슬리 Bob Beasley
번역 : 황준식 


책소개 : http://www.yes24.com/24/goods/3075519

올 가을, 이 책과 함께 구약이 예언한 예수님, 그 예언들을 모두 성취하신 예수님을 만나려고 합니다. 

책 원서 홈페이지(http://www.101portraitsofjesus.com)에 공개된 목차는 아래와 같습니다. 

1 Jesus: The Self-existent Creator 12
  Genesis 1:1  
2 Jesus: The Light of the World 3
  Genesis 1:1-5  
3 Jesus: The Seed of the Woman 5
  Genesis 3:14-15  
4 Jesus: The Second Adam 7
  Genesis 3:6  
5 Jesus: Our Gracious Covering 9
  Genesis 3:21  
6 Jesus: Our Tree of Life 11
  Genesis 3:23-24  
7 Jesus: The Ark of Our Deliverance 13
  Genesis 6:5-8, 13-14  
8 Jesus: Our Eternal High Priest 15
  Genesis 14:18-20  
9 Jesus: Our Covenant Promise-Keeper 17
  Genesis 15:7-12, 17  
10 Jesus: The Infant of Promise 19
  Genesis 21:1-7  
11 Jesus: The Only Son of God 21
  Genesis 22:1-2  
12 Jesus: The Sacrifice Provided By God 23
  Genesis 22:3-14  
13 Jesus: Our Access to God 25
  Genesis 28:10-12  
14 Jesus: The Commander in Chief 27
  Genesis 32:24-32  
15 Jesus: Sold Out By His Brothers 29
  Genesis 37:23-28  
16 Jesus: Sorely Tempted But Sinless Servant 31
  Genesis 39:11-20  
17 Jesus: Numbered Among the Transgressors 33
  Genesis 39:20 & 40:2-3  
18 Jesus: Revealer of Secret Things 35
  Genesis 41:14-16  
19 Jesus: Exalted Among the Gentiles 37
  Genesis 41:41-43  
20 Jesus: Savior of the World 39
  Genesis 41:56-57  
21 Jesus: A Man of Tender Compassion 41
  Genesis 42-45  
22 Jesus: Revealer of God's Grace 43
  Genesis 45:4-8  
23 Jesus: Lion of the Tribe of Judah 45
  Genesis 49:8-12  
24 Jesus: Condemned to Die As a Child 47
  Exodus 1:22-2:3  
25 Jesus: Jehovah-The Great "I Am" 49
  Exodus 3:1-6 & 13-14  
26 Jesus: Conqueror of Satan 51
  Exodus 5-11  
27 Jesus: Our Passover Lamb 53
  Exodus 12  
28 Jesus: Called Out of Egypt 55
  Exodus 12:40-42  
29 Jesus: Our Trustworthy Guide 57
  Exodus 13:20-22  
30 Jesus: Our Reservoir of Living Water 59
  Exodus 15:22-26  
31 Jesus: The Bread of Heaven 61
  Exodus 16:2-4  
32 Jesus: The Stricken Rock 63
  Exodus 17:1-6  
33 Jesus: Our Law Giver and Law Keeper 65
  Exodus 20:1-7  
34 Jesus: Our Heavenly Tabernacle - I 67
  Exodus 25:8-9  
35 Jesus: Our Heavenly Tabernacle - II 69
  Exodus 25:8-9  
36 Jesus: The Ark of Our Redemption 71
  Exodus 25:10-11  
37 Jesus: The Covering for Our Sin 73
  Exodus 25:17-22  
38 Jesus: Our Communion With God 75
  Exodus 25:23-30  
39 Jesus: The Light of the Christian Life 77
  Exodus 25:31-39  
40 Jesus: The Righteous King of Heaven 79
  Exodus 26:1-3  
41 Jesus: Our Unsightly Sacrifice for Sin 81
  Exodus 26:7-14  
42 Jesus: Our Entrance to the Throne of God 83
  Exodus 26:31-33  
43 Jesus: His Cross-Our Sacrificial Altar 85
  Exodus 27:1-8  
44 Jesus: The Water of Our Cleansing 87
  Exodus 30:18-21  
45 Jesus: Typified in the Life of Moses - I 89
  Deuteronomy 18:17-18  
46 Jesus: Typified in the Life of Moses - II 91
  Hebrews 3:5-6  
47 Jesus: Our Scapegoat 93
  Leviticus 16:8-10  
48 Jesus: We Live Because of His Blood 95
  Leviticus 17:8-14  
49 Jesus: Sacrificed Only Once for Sin 97
  Numbers 20:7-12  
50 Jesus: Our Great Physician 99
  Numbers 21:8-9  
51 Jesus: Portrayed in Aaron's Rod 101
  Numbers 17:6-8  
52 Jesus: Our Hiding Place 103
  Numbers 35:6-34  
53 Jesus: Commander of the Lord's Army 105
  Joshua 5:13-15  
54 Jesus: The Lord of the Universe 107
  Joshua 10:12-14  
55 Jesus: Foreshadowed by Samson 109
  Judges 13-16  
56 Jesus: Our Kinsman-Redeemer 111
  The Book of Ruth  
57 Jesus: Foreshadowed by King David 113
  1 Samuel 16:12-13  
58 Jesus: Our Friend of Friends 115
  1 Samuel 18:1-14  
59 Jesus: Foreshadowed by Elijah 117
  1 Kings 17:1ff  
60 Jesus: Foreshadowed by Elisha 119
  1 Kings 19:16ff  
61 Jesus: Our Mighty Warrior 121
  2 Kings 18:19 - 19:37  
62 Jesus: Our Living Redeemer 123
  Job 19:23-27  
63 Jesus: The Tree Planted by Streams of Water 125
  Psalm 1  
64 Jesus: The Anointed Son 127
  Psalm 2  
65 Jesus: The Son of Man 129
  Psalm 8  
66 Jesus: The Resurrected Savior 131
  Psalm 16  
67 Jesus: The Crucified One 133
  Psalm 22  
68 Jesus: Our Great and Good Shepherd 135
  Psalm 23  
69 Jesus: The One Betrayed By a Friend 137
  Psalm 41  
70 Jesus: Our Righteousness 139
  Psalm 45:6-7  
71 Jesus: The Enduring Savior of the Nations 141
  Psalm 72:12-17  
72 Jesus: The Faithful and Exalted King 143
  Psalm 89:25-29  
73 Jesus: Our Scorned & Betrayed Savior 145
  Psalm 109  
74 Jesus: Our Eternal King & Priest 147
  Psalm 110  
75 Jesus: The Stone the Builders Rejected 149
  Psalm 118:20-23  
76 Jesus: The God Who Saves by Grace 151
  Psalm 130  
77 Jesus: The Eternal Wisdom of God 153
  Proverbs 8  
78 Jesus: Son of the Holy One 155
  Proverbs 30:1-5  
79 Jesus: Our Virgin-Born Immanuel 157
  Isaiah 7:13-14  
80 Jesus: Our Wisdom, Power, Love, & Peace 159
  Isaiah 9:6-7  
81 Jesus: The Branch from the Root of Jesse 161
  Isaiah 11:1-5  
82 Jesus: Our Living Cornerstone 163
  Isaiah 28:16-18  
83 Jesus: A Light for the Gentiles 165
  Isaiah 49:5-6  
84 Jesus: The Man of Sorrows 167
  Isaiah 53:1-3  
85 Jesus: Crushed for Our Iniquities 169
  Isaiah 53:4-6  
86 Jesus: Our Guilt Offering 171
  Isaiah 53:7-10  
87 Jesus: Good News for the Poor 173
  Isaiah 61:1-3  
88 Jesus: Ridiculed for the Truth 175
  Jeremiah 20:7-9  
89 Jesus: The Mediator of the New Covenant 177
  Jeremiah 31:31-33  
90 Jesus: Bringing Life out of Death 179
  Ezekiel 37:1-14  
91 Jesus: Our Savior from the Fires 181
  Daniel 3:22-25  
92 Jesus: The "Cut Off" Anointed One 183
  Daniel 9:25-26  
93 Jesus: Our Faithful Husband 185
  The Book of Hosea  
94 Jesus: Our Resurrected Lord 187
  Hosea 6:1-3  
95 Jesus: Foreshadowed in Jonah's Life 189
  Jonah 1:17 - 2:10  
96 Jesus: The Ruler from Bethlehem 191
  Micah 5:2  
97 Jesus: The God of Grace 193
  Micah 3:1-5  
98 Jesus: The King of Jerusalem 195
  Zechariah 9:9  
99 Jesus: Sold for 30 Pieces of Silver 197
  Zechariah 11:12-13  
100 Jesus: Forsaken by His Disciples 199
  Zechariah 13:6-7  
101 Jesus: The Messenger of the Covenant 201
  Malachi 3:1-4